Title: Avenge Our VillageCAT_ID: KEP0021_01Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102101 / TEMPO CODE: 4221625Original Publishers: Epic Storm, ASCAP: 509103780, 100%
Title: Creator of WorldsCAT_ID: KEP0021_02Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102103 / TEMPO CODE: 4222893Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: Fight For What You BelieveCAT_ID: KEP0021_03Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102105 / TEMPO CODE: 4221626Original Publishers: Epic Storm, ASCAP: 509103780, 100%
Title: Honorable ObjectiveCAT_ID: KEP0021_04Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102107 / TEMPO CODE: 4221741Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: Galactic EclipseCAT_ID: KEP0021_05Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102109 / TEMPO CODE: 4222894Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: Triumphant ArrivalCAT_ID: KEP0021_06Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102111 / TEMPO CODE: 4221501Original Publishers: Epic Storm, ASCAP: 509103780, 100%
Title: Hear Our CallCAT_ID: KEP0021_07Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102113 / TEMPO CODE: 4222896Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: Hold It SteadyCAT_ID: KEP0021_08Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102115 / TEMPO CODE: 4221740Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: Fight With UsCAT_ID: KEP0021_09Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102117 / TEMPO CODE: 4221627Original Publishers: Epic Storm, ASCAP: 509103780, 100%
Title: Underworld RisingCAT_ID: KEP0021_10Album: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 8Codes: ISRC: USGLK1102119 / TEMPO CODE: 4222898Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%