Title: DRONE-Inner ConflictCAT_ID: KEP0052_01Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952001 / TEMPO CODE: 4877278Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Ambient Metals 01CAT_ID: KEP0052_02Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952002 / TEMPO CODE: 4877210Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Ambient Metals 02CAT_ID: KEP0052_03Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952003 / TEMPO CODE: 4877211Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Ambient Metals 03CAT_ID: KEP0052_04Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952004 / TEMPO CODE: 4877213Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Ambient Metals 04CAT_ID: KEP0052_05Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952005 / TEMPO CODE: 4877214Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Ambient Metals 05CAT_ID: KEP0052_06Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952006 / TEMPO CODE: 4877215Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Ambient Metals 06CAT_ID: KEP0052_07Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952007 / TEMPO CODE: 4877216Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Ambient Metals 07CAT_ID: KEP0052_08Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952008 / TEMPO CODE: 4877218Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Dirty DawnCAT_ID: KEP0052_09Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952009 / TEMPO CODE: 4877231Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%
Title: DRONE-Metal SwirlsCAT_ID: KEP0052_10Album: Epic Tools: Drones Synths Riffs Rhythms and HorrorCodes: ISRC: USGLK1952010 / TEMPO CODE: 4877289Original Publishers: Digital Storm, BMI: 351138390, 100%